How To Protect Children From Coronavirus | RailRecipe Guide


Declared as a CoronaSecondWave in India, covid19 has been spreading geographically at an aggressive speed. The first Covid-19 case was identified in Wuhan city, China in 2019. Since then, the Corona Virus has spread across countries like the United States, Brazil, France, Britain, Canada, Italy, Africa, Japan, India, etc. Now these time, India have reached 2,15,03,828 total cases and also active cases 36,53,460 of coronavirus. World Health Organization(WHO) also warns that Corona’s Third Wave is about to arrive in India very soon. Children may have to face a lot of trouble with the Corona Third Wave. Here, in this blog, we will talk about how to protect our children from corona virus, coronavirus, covid-19, CoronaThirdWave or covid19 in India.

As a parent, you want to do everything possible for protecting your children from covid19. Here, we provide you with 7 best tips to do the protecting children from corona outbreak:

1. Guiding and Practicing Hand Hygiene:

There is quiet so much that we don’t know about the covid19 and how corona virus is spreading. However, the one thing that every health expert and consult agrees on is that maintaining good hygiene is very important to stop coronaoutbreak. Your infant or toddler learns by watching you. So, you all have to follow good hygiene practices like washing your hands the proper way from handwash, not touching your nose, mouth and eyes with hands, and full covering from the elbow your nose and mouth while sneezing. Guide your child wash their hands after coming home from outside, using the toilet and before breakfast, lunch, or dinner. They should be frequently washing their hands for 20 seconds with water, soap or handwash.

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